Monday, January 14, 2013

My Research

I chose to visit  New Zealand, Greece, Hawaii, Egypt, France, and the Hampton Roads through the Great White Fleet. Today I looked up naval recruitment posters to get information on why the sailors joined the fleet. I found other information than just to see the world. I also learned that sailors did it for money and individual gain. In the digital archive i found majority of my research. Ive been able to find all the dates and information on all the places the fleet visited. I also learned about hazards that some fleets faced without even looking it up. For example how the heat in the Mediterranean effected the process of getting coal. I found other adversities but I also found a lot of luxuries the sailors experienced. Although the Great White Fleet was hard work the sailors also got a lot of free time to enjoy their new surroundings. Ive already learned a lot of information just from a couple sites so I cant wait to learn more with new sources!

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